| Tel: 813-231-4362, Ext. 3120

NeighborWork Florida Collaborative Logo

Fostering Sustainable Home Ownership

Florida's NeighborWorks organizations partner with public and private funders, lenders and nonprofit practitioners to implement local strategies that:


  • Educate new and existing homeowners;
  • Reduce the incidence of foreclosure; and
  • Give families the tools they need to become more financially stable.


During FY 2024, the strategies implemented by Florida's 12 local NeighborWorks organizations collectively impacted sustainable home ownership in the following ways:


  • 12,183 households received financial education and/or counseling that allowed them to purchase or remain in their homes.
  • 478 families became first-time homeowners -- purchasing a home with assistance or directly from a Florida NeighborWorks organization. 


To learn more about how NeighborWorks organizations are making a positive impact statewide email

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